Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

It was 80 today.  Amazing-  last week we had over 5 inches of snow.  It has been a long hard winter for me.  In January I had an intractable sinus infection, possibly pneumonia, possibly influenza - it knocked me flat; I missed 5 days of work and I hardly ever miss work.  Even after I recovered, it took me weeks to have any energy, then in mid-March I got the mother of all kidney-bladder infections.  It took 3 tries before an appropriate antibiotic was found and by then it  had had 10 days to really dig in.  Even after the infection was allegedly cleared, I was still in a lot of pain all the time.  It took a month before I started feeling better.  Literally just about 2-3 days after the pain went away, I broke a tooth, there was an abcess, and I had to have a root canal.  Unfortunately the pain started during a business trip and it was a miserable experience.  The root canal took two tries as the first time it was too painful to complete, so I had more antibiotics and then it was finished a few days later.
I am wiped out.  I have no energy.  It hasn't helped that the winter was unusually long this year and that March/April were amazingly snowy/icy.   I am so looking forward to spring and being able to work in the garden.  I did some clean up work this weekend in the yard, and I browsed a couple of nurseries, but it is still a bit too early to start.
I am grateful to God for helping me through all this illness, for the good fortune I had, and am humbly asking his help in getting myself back in shape. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Feb 25 2013
Amazing..... actually accomplished a little today.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
So I took a couple of small steps today.  Instead of collapsing in a lazy heap when I got home, I exercised for 30 minutes and spent 15 minutes on organizing.  I also took Cody out to play and spent some time with Raisin and washed the bath rugs.  Plus I did not eat any candy/cookies/cake/sweets today.  Wow !!!
Not sure about the next couple of days as I have appointments after work both days and won't be home until later, but we will see!!   I actually had some self control today.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013

I've just had a week's vacation.  Back to work tomorrow.  It is amazing how little I managed to accomplish this past week in terms of cleaning closets, etc, but I did get a little done.  I am vowing to continue daily - 15 minutes a day to straighten up and organize something; and also to exercise 30 minutes a day.  Hope I can make that happen.