Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!  I used to start every year with a laundry list of resolutions, all of which  basically added up to making myself into some unattainable ideal of perfect me - and usually fell by the wayside no later than January 3rd... So, what do I really want?  I keep saying (to myself only) that I want to write.  So that is my one & only resolution for 2011.  Try to keep a blog and try to locate my voice and get it down - onscreen, if not on paper anymore. I am using my new netbook to write this; the keyboard is smaller than what I am used to and it keeps doing an annoying thing of jumping up to a previous line and inserting text there, I am not sure what I am hitting on the keyboard that makes it do that.
So,back to work tomorrow.  Starting a new position and have to negotiate new salary too, I am nervous about that.  It will be very different at work between the new role and the new manager.  I have done over 10 yrs "hard labor" with a very difficult manager.  It is a point of pride to me that I am the only one in the company to survive so long with her.  I should be purely happy that our working relationship is being phased out- there will be a several month transition when I will still have to deal with her but not in person- but it feels weird too. She is the most difficult person I have ever known - she browbeats and bullies her employees,she lies about everything, makes unreasonable demands, and is just basically impossible to work for. But she gets results and after 10 years, I am not sure how to not be in that environment.

This keyboard is driving me nuts     Why does it keep jumping back up into previous lines?

OK, at least I have done a post,  Tomorrow is Jan 3rd- will there be another?

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